Parish Organizations
St. Michael's Youth Group
We do parish activities, as well as St. George Deanery and Diocesan events. Call Youth Coordinator Jill Zeller (419-532-3494, ext. 103) if you’d like to get involved.
Catholic Ladies of Columbia (CLC)
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the Month (September – May) at 7:30 P.M. in the church basement. We have a booth at Pioneer Days in Kalida. We are the women’s branch of the K of C. The current president of the CL of C is Mary Lou Hoffman.
Holy Name Society
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 8:00 P.M. in the church basement. All men of St. Michael’s, upon graduation of high school, are members of the Society. We maintain all 3 baseball diamonds, including bleachers, benches, chalk-line, fence, lime, fertilizer, equipment (bases, balls, helmets, bats, catcher equipment, league fees, umpire fees, etc.) We sponsor: Boys and Girls CYO basketball teams, and all girls and boys Little League baseball teams from Pony League down. We donate money to the church and other organizations. The current president of the Holy Name is Joe Gerdeman
Knights of Columbus 5669 (K of C)
Meetings are held second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 8:15 P.M. at the Kalida K of C Hall. We hold our famous fish fries on every Friday of Lent (excluding Good Friday) from 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. Phone 419-532-3669.
Parish Council
Current members are: Mary Gerding, Marc Kerner, Dale Liebrecht, Deb McIntyre, Lisa Roebke, Don Rall, Wendy Schimmoeller, Scott Unverferth & Allison Wurth
The Parish Council usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month, at the Parish Center. A member's term is 3 years.
Elections are held in May (3 new people are elected). Call the Parish Center to be on the ballot.
Finance Committee
Committee members are: Joan Niese, Jim Burgei, Paul Bonifas, Norm Schnipke & Cindy Webken.
They meet as needed during the year.
Maintenance Committee
Members: Kevin Fischer, Brian Buss, Gary Vorst, Keith Meyer, Chris Kehres & Mel Hanneman
Helping Hands
Helping Hands volunteers work with the Funeral/Bereavement Committee helping to serve at funeral luncheons. Our group of bakers are willing to help make desserts to go with your meal. Contact Jill Zeller (567-376-9115) if you would like to be added to our list. We have many bakers, so you won't be called for every funeral.
Bereavement Group
This group helps those in the parish after the death of a loved one. Call Bonnie Knueve 419-532-2052 or Mille McElwain 419-532-3126 to be a part of this group or for more information. Current members are: Lynda Fortman, Joyce Grote, Rita Iliff, Marlene Kahle, Ron & Bonnie Knueve, Tony Martinez, Millie McElwain, Barb Niese, Teresa Rampe, Diane Recker, Paul & Rose Recker.
Prayer Chain Group
This group consists of approximately 100 people who pray for those in need. When someone calls, we immediately pass the request to the other volunteers. Call Rita Borgelt (419-532-3637) to be put on the list if you would like a phone call notification. Call Paul Bonifas (419-532-3362) if you would like to be put on the list to receive text notifications or emails instead of phone calls.
Challenge Girls Club
Challenge is for young ladies in grades 5-8, led by adults and high school team leaders, where the girls explore their faith, deepen friendships and serve their parish and community in an atmosphere of Christian charity. In addition to learning more about this personal relationship with Christ, the girls spread that love to others through apostolic projects. They generally meet on Fridays, after school, in the church basement. Current leader is Mary Siefker (419-532-2480).
Vacation Bible School Helpers
VBS is held every July, and we always need volunteers to help. Watch the bulletin for information.
Elementary / Junior High Teachers
We offer religious education at the Parish Center and church basement every weekday during the school year, for those in grades 1-8. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
High School Teachers
We offer high school religious education on Wednesday evenings, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., September – April. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
Sunday School & Kindergarten Religion Helpers
We offer preschool Sunday School and religion class for those in Kindergarten, during the 11:00 a.m. Mass, September – April. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
Decorating Committee
This group decorates church for different events and seasons of the liturgical year. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] for more information.
Our current sacristan is Sue Fuerst. Sacristans duties include refilling the candles and holy water, as well as, at times, helping Fr. Nathan prepare for Mass. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] if you would like to help as a Sacristan.
Liturgy Committee
This committee works with Nathan to plan the liturgical year and special church events. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] for more information.
RCIA Instructors
Fr. Nathan and Phil Fuerst lead our RCIA program, along with a group of volunteers. If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, learning more about it, or being on our RCIA instruction team, email Fr. Nathan.
Baptismal Instructors
Baptismal Instruction is required for your first child only. Our current instructors are Matt & Joni Bockrath and Dale & Jill Liebrecht. Email Fr. Nathan if you would like to join this team.
Right to Life
Ann Warnecke is the current president of the Putnam County Right to Life. They meet on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Michael Church basement. Their meetings are always open to the public.
Money Counters
We currently have two groups of money counters, who count the collection on Monday mornings, after Mass. We would love to add your name to our list of wonderful volunteers. Email Fr. Nathan to be put on the list.
CYO Coaches
We currently have CYO girls and boys basketball. Email Fr. Nathan if you are interested in coaching.
Sacristy Cleaners
Once a week, the sanctuary area of church is cleaned by different groups. If you would like to be put on the schedule and join one of these groups, call the Parish Center 419-532-3474, ext. 100.
Linen Cleaners
Did you know the church linens are cleaned by volunteers? Call the Parish Center to be put on the schedule (419-532-3474, ext. 100).
Latchkey Program
St. Michael’s provides an after school program (from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.) in the elementary cafeteria, for those who need someone to watch their children in grades K-5. Call Connie Cleemput 419-532-3474 for more information.
Holy Name (Men’s) Choir – We practice on certain Mondays, usually around 8:30 p.m. We sing at various Masses during the year.
Director is Carol Vennekotter
Young Adult & High School (Mixed) Choir – We practice on Wednesdays at 8:00 P.M. (Sept. – May) in the choir loft. We sing at various Masses during the year and at certain weddings. We sing the Christmas 11:00 p.m. Mass. Director/Organist is Steve Unverferth 419-532-3770.
Children's Choir – open to 4th – 8th grade. Practice times vary. Director/Organist is Ashleigh Kahle, as well as Alissia Schumacher.
Funeral Choir - anyone is welcome to join this choir. Simply come up to the choir loft for any funeral. Organist is Carol Vennekotter 419-532-2694.
Eucharistic Ministers
If you would like to join in this important ministry, contact Fr. Nathan ([email protected]) for more information. We also have those who minister to the sick and home bound on Sundays.
If you are interested in becoming a lector at the weekend Masses, contact Fr. Nathan. If you would like to lector at a weekday Mass, call Connie Cleemput (419-532-3494, ext. 102).
Ushers (for both men and women)
If you would like to be on one of our usher teams, call the Parish Center (419-532-3474, ext. 100).
Junior High Servers
Boys and girls are trained at the end of their sixth grade year, if they would like to become a Mass server. Jr. High Servers minister at the weekday Masses.
High School Servers
High School Servers minister at the weekend Masses. Even if you weren’t trained in Jr. High, you can still become a high school server. Contact Fr. Nathan.
Adult Servers (Women & Men)
Adult servers are needed to fill in when a Jr. High Student can’t attend Mass on the weekdays, and are sometimes called upon to minister at a Funeral Mass. Contact Fr. Nathan.
Offertory Bearers
Sign up to take up offertory at any of the weekend Masses. Call 419-532-3474, ext. 100, to be added to the list.
Weekday Mass Helpers
These adults accompany students from the Elementary School to Mass, on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to be added to the list.
We do parish activities, as well as St. George Deanery and Diocesan events. Call Youth Coordinator Jill Zeller (419-532-3494, ext. 103) if you’d like to get involved.
Catholic Ladies of Columbia (CLC)
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the Month (September – May) at 7:30 P.M. in the church basement. We have a booth at Pioneer Days in Kalida. We are the women’s branch of the K of C. The current president of the CL of C is Mary Lou Hoffman.
Holy Name Society
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 8:00 P.M. in the church basement. All men of St. Michael’s, upon graduation of high school, are members of the Society. We maintain all 3 baseball diamonds, including bleachers, benches, chalk-line, fence, lime, fertilizer, equipment (bases, balls, helmets, bats, catcher equipment, league fees, umpire fees, etc.) We sponsor: Boys and Girls CYO basketball teams, and all girls and boys Little League baseball teams from Pony League down. We donate money to the church and other organizations. The current president of the Holy Name is Joe Gerdeman
Knights of Columbus 5669 (K of C)
Meetings are held second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 8:15 P.M. at the Kalida K of C Hall. We hold our famous fish fries on every Friday of Lent (excluding Good Friday) from 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. Phone 419-532-3669.
Parish Council
Current members are: Mary Gerding, Marc Kerner, Dale Liebrecht, Deb McIntyre, Lisa Roebke, Don Rall, Wendy Schimmoeller, Scott Unverferth & Allison Wurth
The Parish Council usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month, at the Parish Center. A member's term is 3 years.
Elections are held in May (3 new people are elected). Call the Parish Center to be on the ballot.
Finance Committee
Committee members are: Joan Niese, Jim Burgei, Paul Bonifas, Norm Schnipke & Cindy Webken.
They meet as needed during the year.
Maintenance Committee
Members: Kevin Fischer, Brian Buss, Gary Vorst, Keith Meyer, Chris Kehres & Mel Hanneman
Helping Hands
Helping Hands volunteers work with the Funeral/Bereavement Committee helping to serve at funeral luncheons. Our group of bakers are willing to help make desserts to go with your meal. Contact Jill Zeller (567-376-9115) if you would like to be added to our list. We have many bakers, so you won't be called for every funeral.
Bereavement Group
This group helps those in the parish after the death of a loved one. Call Bonnie Knueve 419-532-2052 or Mille McElwain 419-532-3126 to be a part of this group or for more information. Current members are: Lynda Fortman, Joyce Grote, Rita Iliff, Marlene Kahle, Ron & Bonnie Knueve, Tony Martinez, Millie McElwain, Barb Niese, Teresa Rampe, Diane Recker, Paul & Rose Recker.
Prayer Chain Group
This group consists of approximately 100 people who pray for those in need. When someone calls, we immediately pass the request to the other volunteers. Call Rita Borgelt (419-532-3637) to be put on the list if you would like a phone call notification. Call Paul Bonifas (419-532-3362) if you would like to be put on the list to receive text notifications or emails instead of phone calls.
Challenge Girls Club
Challenge is for young ladies in grades 5-8, led by adults and high school team leaders, where the girls explore their faith, deepen friendships and serve their parish and community in an atmosphere of Christian charity. In addition to learning more about this personal relationship with Christ, the girls spread that love to others through apostolic projects. They generally meet on Fridays, after school, in the church basement. Current leader is Mary Siefker (419-532-2480).
Vacation Bible School Helpers
VBS is held every July, and we always need volunteers to help. Watch the bulletin for information.
Elementary / Junior High Teachers
We offer religious education at the Parish Center and church basement every weekday during the school year, for those in grades 1-8. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
High School Teachers
We offer high school religious education on Wednesday evenings, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., September – April. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
Sunday School & Kindergarten Religion Helpers
We offer preschool Sunday School and religion class for those in Kindergarten, during the 11:00 a.m. Mass, September – April. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to become a CCD teacher.
Decorating Committee
This group decorates church for different events and seasons of the liturgical year. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] for more information.
Our current sacristan is Sue Fuerst. Sacristans duties include refilling the candles and holy water, as well as, at times, helping Fr. Nathan prepare for Mass. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] if you would like to help as a Sacristan.
Liturgy Committee
This committee works with Nathan to plan the liturgical year and special church events. Email Fr. Nathan at [email protected] for more information.
RCIA Instructors
Fr. Nathan and Phil Fuerst lead our RCIA program, along with a group of volunteers. If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, learning more about it, or being on our RCIA instruction team, email Fr. Nathan.
Baptismal Instructors
Baptismal Instruction is required for your first child only. Our current instructors are Matt & Joni Bockrath and Dale & Jill Liebrecht. Email Fr. Nathan if you would like to join this team.
Right to Life
Ann Warnecke is the current president of the Putnam County Right to Life. They meet on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Michael Church basement. Their meetings are always open to the public.
Money Counters
We currently have two groups of money counters, who count the collection on Monday mornings, after Mass. We would love to add your name to our list of wonderful volunteers. Email Fr. Nathan to be put on the list.
CYO Coaches
We currently have CYO girls and boys basketball. Email Fr. Nathan if you are interested in coaching.
Sacristy Cleaners
Once a week, the sanctuary area of church is cleaned by different groups. If you would like to be put on the schedule and join one of these groups, call the Parish Center 419-532-3474, ext. 100.
Linen Cleaners
Did you know the church linens are cleaned by volunteers? Call the Parish Center to be put on the schedule (419-532-3474, ext. 100).
Latchkey Program
St. Michael’s provides an after school program (from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.) in the elementary cafeteria, for those who need someone to watch their children in grades K-5. Call Connie Cleemput 419-532-3474 for more information.
Holy Name (Men’s) Choir – We practice on certain Mondays, usually around 8:30 p.m. We sing at various Masses during the year.
Director is Carol Vennekotter
Young Adult & High School (Mixed) Choir – We practice on Wednesdays at 8:00 P.M. (Sept. – May) in the choir loft. We sing at various Masses during the year and at certain weddings. We sing the Christmas 11:00 p.m. Mass. Director/Organist is Steve Unverferth 419-532-3770.
Children's Choir – open to 4th – 8th grade. Practice times vary. Director/Organist is Ashleigh Kahle, as well as Alissia Schumacher.
Funeral Choir - anyone is welcome to join this choir. Simply come up to the choir loft for any funeral. Organist is Carol Vennekotter 419-532-2694.
Eucharistic Ministers
If you would like to join in this important ministry, contact Fr. Nathan ([email protected]) for more information. We also have those who minister to the sick and home bound on Sundays.
If you are interested in becoming a lector at the weekend Masses, contact Fr. Nathan. If you would like to lector at a weekday Mass, call Connie Cleemput (419-532-3494, ext. 102).
Ushers (for both men and women)
If you would like to be on one of our usher teams, call the Parish Center (419-532-3474, ext. 100).
Junior High Servers
Boys and girls are trained at the end of their sixth grade year, if they would like to become a Mass server. Jr. High Servers minister at the weekday Masses.
High School Servers
High School Servers minister at the weekend Masses. Even if you weren’t trained in Jr. High, you can still become a high school server. Contact Fr. Nathan.
Adult Servers (Women & Men)
Adult servers are needed to fill in when a Jr. High Student can’t attend Mass on the weekdays, and are sometimes called upon to minister at a Funeral Mass. Contact Fr. Nathan.
Offertory Bearers
Sign up to take up offertory at any of the weekend Masses. Call 419-532-3474, ext. 100, to be added to the list.
Weekday Mass Helpers
These adults accompany students from the Elementary School to Mass, on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Call Connie 419-532-3494, ext. 102, to be added to the list.